Friday, December 27, 2013

General Update and VoIP Panda

Another large gap in my posts.  I had to delete a bunch of spam in my last post, and while I like people to be able to post anonymously, I think I need to switch posting to only be allowed via authenticated Google accounts (like who doesn't have a Google account these days?).

I continue to consult with different carriers and solution providers.  I had dabbled with SMS in the past, but I really think it's the next industry to be revolutionized.  Right now though, SMS is still oddly expensive for consumers and SMBs even though it's quite cheap for the carriers who aggregate enough traffic.

Carriers for wholesale telephony, like, are another fun business.  I've done a lot of the carrier side of things for the past few years and VoIP Panda is just one example of that.  They seem to understand correctly how to reduce costs, so it gets harder for me to find easy solutions for them to cut things even more.  But I still try.  Their LCRs right now are just fine for the traffic they're seeing, but one way to cut costs would be to double or triple each of their capacity.  So while I continue to explore multiple avenues, increasing capacity and adding a few missing features will likely be my focus for the next few months.